Wednesday, October 17, 2012

online saftey

Yes threats online should be taken seriously because you never know if someone is actually going to do it. Its better to be safe then am actual bomb go off and kill innocent people. no he shouldnt be punished badly he should just get his facebook taken away. There was never a real bomb he was just a kid talking smack on a computer .He should get punished just not anything over like a month in jail

Monday, October 15, 2012

feed readers

Google reader is different from technorite because the sites that are on google reader are more well known then the sites on technorite. Another reason why its different is that people use google reader more then technorite because its google , everbody knows the word google you can ask someone if they know of goolge everybody will say yes.In a way there also the same like there both sites that you can create your own blog on and post whatever you want on them.